
Thank you for watching, Affirmations For Success Vol I

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Affirmations can be a very effective tool in helping one to become more successful in any area of life. The key to getting the most out of affirmations is to say and listen to them frequently.

You need to counteract all of the negative messages we receive and have received throughout our lives.

Contains the beauty of nature and soothing sounds.

Affirmations on this recording:

  1. you are more powerful than any challenge that you may face.
  2. Today you are prepared. you are prepared for success and abundance. ! you are prepared for your wildest dreams to come true.
  3. you believe that you can do anything.
  4. you are grateful for the abundance in your life.
  5. you are happy with who you are becoming.
  6. Every day you are becoming more confident, powerful, and successful.
  7. you are capable of achieving greatness. you already are.
  8. you are worthy of all of your dreams and ambitions.
  9. you are attuned to the abundance of success.
  10. you achieve whatever you set your mind to and focus on.
  11. you are living your life in a world of abundance.
  12. you are always open-minded and eager to explore new avenues to success.
  13. you are surrounded by positive, supportive people who believe in you.
  14. you believe in you.
  15. you are worthy of following your dreams and manifesting your desires.
  16. you understand that the universe is working toward your higher good.
  17. you let go of old, negative beliefs that have stood in the way of your success in the past.
  18. you are succeeding by attracting people who can help you. And you are eager to help others.
  19. you are committed to achieving success in every area of your life.
  20. you are easily accomplishing all of your goals and it is fun and exciting.
  21. your actions create constant wealth, prosperity, and abundance
  22. you are your best source of motivation.
  23. you are open to receiving unexpected opportunities.
  24. The world needs your light and you are not afraid to shine.
  25. you are the architect of your fate. you can achieve what you have dreamed for yourself.
  26. you are a strong individual who attracts success and happiness.
  27. you are full of vitality. your confidence, positive attitude, and belief in yourself are your biggest assets to take you a step closer to your success.
  28. you are blessed to have everything in your life that you need to be successful.
  29. you take pride in your ability to make worthwhile contributions to the world.
  30. you believe in yourself.
  31. you are open to limitless possibilities.
  32. you are worthy of all the good life has to offer, and you deserve to be successful.
  33. Everywhere you look, you see prosperity and opportunities.
  34. Prosperity flows to you and through you.
  35. you are enough.
  36. Today you are letting go of old negative habits and welcoming more positive changes into your life.
  37. you are a goal-getter and you’m committed to your goals.
  38. you continue to climb higher because there are no limits to what you can achieve.
  39. you are attracting daily abundance.
  40. Wealth constantly flows into your life from multiple sources.
  41. you are succeeding in life.
  42. you stay focused on your vision and pursue your daily work with passion.
  43. you are grateful for the abundance that you have and the abundance that is on its way.
  44. you are attracting miracles into your life.
  45. your positive attitude is bringing you success.
  46. you can achieve anything you want in life.
  47. you have goals and dreams that you are achieving.
  48. you choose positivity.
  49. you are a powerful creator. you create the life you want and enjoy it.
  50. As you allow more abundance into your life, more doors open for you.
  51. The universe is conspiring to help you to succeed.



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