Kids Meet a Hypnotist

Kids Meet a Hypnotist

This video, “Kids Meet a Hypnotist” is still my favorite project that I’ve done. The kids ask such fun questions and their reactions are incredibly cute. They, kids really are great hypnosis subjects. I also like introducing kids to hypnosis and...
What is World Hypnotism Day?

What is World Hypnotism Day?

Jim Kellner, a well-known hypnotherapist, stage hypnotist, TEDx speaker, and creator of the Hypnosis Hero™ app has been a vocal spokesperson for World Hypnotism Day. And has been instrumental in promoting the event and raising awareness about the many benefits of hypnotherapy.
Kellner states, “World Hypnotism Day is a great opportunity for hypnotists to come together and celebrate the amazing work we do. It’s also a chance for us to educate the public about the power of hypnosis and how it can be used to help people overcome a wide range of issues, from quitting smoking to reducing anxiety and stress. And on the stage hypnosis side, it is a great opportunity to expose more people to it as well as highlight the power of hypnosis while making people laugh.”

Comedy Hypnotist Story Time

Comedy Hypnotist Story Time

#HypnotistsLife Story time… Last night I did a comedy hypnosis show at a summer camp for kids. I told the subjects that they were starting their own charities but that these charities are the weirdest wackiest charities ever. I often get really funny stuff from them...
Vacation Special

Vacation Special

While I’m on vacation and unable to work with anyone directly, I thought it would be a good time to give you some self-help tools that can make an incredible difference in your life. I’ve created a bundle of nearly all of my recordings for a crazy low price –...

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